Wednesday, February 27, 2013

3/01/13 LOR faces Changes

LOR Server will have New Server files on 3/01/13

The latest Clinet will be available before the March 1, 2013 for downloading

The Event will take place on the day
- The Exp Giver will give exp up to Level 70 (No Level up present will be disbursed)

Things will be possible due to the Updates
- Your computer system date will not change to year 2010 any more
- New image will be available for the server including New Dolls, New Monster and Magic Effect
- New UI will allow you to exploit convenient features
- Game Loading time will be reduced

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


2/14/13 ~ 2/24/13

** Event **

Auto Feather giving out rate change from 10 to 20 during the Event

Exp giver will be present in Giran Town to level you up to 67

Valentine's Chocolate basket will be dropped from all monsters randomly
- The basket will give you 3 different chocolates
- Chocolate 1 - HP potion (150~180 HP recover), Chocolate 2 - MP potion (20~30 MP Recover), Chocolate 3 - additional 25% Exp)

*** Changes and Additional Information ***

The LOR Special weapons will be introduced
- All Special weapons will be available through making system (Required materials and details of the weapon will be posted later)
- Special weapons that will be added include (1-hand sword, 2-hand sword, 1-hand staff, 2-hand staff, 1-hand bow, 2-hand bow, edoryu, claw, kiringku, chainsword)
- All special weapons will have magical effect

 Galadriel's Earring specification
- Galadriel's Earring will be specified in terms of effect and options with numbers of different Earrings
- The exchange scroll will be added to Adena shop for a certain period of time

Ring of Thebe Horus and Jeb Requie's Magical Eye will be categorized in grade 'low'

Treasure Chest that are dropped from Boss monsters
- Treasure chest piece will be added to the drop list just like the one gives you Dragon Armor
- The pieces will be dropped in the hunting area that are not popular including FI, SOE, TOS, Ivory Tower, and TOI etc.)